More than 363,000 Missouri Workers to Benefit from Increased Minimum Wage

More than 363,000 Missourians will directly get a raise beginning on January 1, 2023, when Missouri’s minimum wage increases from $11.15 to $12.00/hour. This 85-cent increase is the final increase as part of Proposition B. In 2018, Missourians put Proposition B on the ballot to raise the minimum wage – and it passed overwhelmingly. Thanks to Missouri voters, more than 314,000  additional Missourians are expected to get a raise indirectly from this final wage increase.

“As Missourians, we work hard for our families and our communities. We have shown that when we unite to improve our state’s economic policies, we all benefit,” said Caitlyn Adams, Executive Director of Missouri Jobs with Justice. “This much-needed wage increase is the result of workers organizing – not a generous gift or idea from a CEO.  This increase will help families combat rising prices, but we know it is far from a living wage.”