Demand Gov. Parson Veto SB 727 – stand up for public education

Demand Gov. Parson Veto SB 727 – stand up for public education


Last month, SB 727 – a bill that would use taxpayer funds to expand charter schools into Boone County and expand the existing tax credit voucher program statewide with an additional $25M added to that program – narrowly passed the House. It was delivered to the Governor on April 24 to be signed into law or vetoed within 15 days.  

No matter what we look like, where we come from, or what’s in our wallets, all Missourians want our kids to get the best education possible.

Our public schools educate our kids, but they also strengthen our communities for all of us. As a cornerstone of our democracy, every school should be fully funded with the resources to deliver quality education that prepares every child to reach their full potential.

That’s why school boards, parents, educators, unions and allies across the state are calling for Governor Parson to veto SB 727. Read one such coalition letter here.

Taking public funds and moving that money to private schools through tuition tax credit style voucher programs takes resources away from the 90 percent of Missouri’s children who attend public schools. 

Who is pushing for SB 727, vouchers and charter schools? Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity and other billionaire-backed groups whose real goal is to undermine and underfund public schools.

Public money must come with public accountability. All schools that seek public funding must have the same standards of accountability, transparency, and respect for the rights of students, staff, and parents. 

Unless or until charter schools are accountable to local and democratically elected bodies they forfeit the right to public funding. 

We must equip the public schools where our kids learn and grow with the resources to deliver quality education that prepares every child for the future by taking action today. Call Governor Parson today at 573-751-3222 and demand he vetoes SB 727. 

Read our previous testimony against SB 727 here.