Stop the Corporate Tax Giveaway

Certain politicians in Jefferson City are working hard to further rig the rules to favor wealthy corporations over working Missourians. Missouri already has the lowest corporate tax rate among our neighboring states – and the second lowest in the nation! As we know, the result has been painful.

Missouri ranks 50th in pay for state employees and near the bottom in funding per pupil. Nearly 25% of our school districts are on 4-day weeks. Proposed tax cuts for wealthy corporations will make investment harder and will cost the state over $500 million every year.

Tell your elected leaders: Invest in our communities – not wealthy corporations!

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“Our communities don’t have the money to fix our roads, our sidewalks, our city bus system. These services fall into disrepair – and then services get cut,” said Brandon. “I’m epileptic and rely on the city bus a lot to get around, get to doctor’s appointments, and run simple errands.”

When corporations pay what they truly owe through taxes and fair wages, our communities will have the resources we need to thrive. Tell our leaders to put the people of Missouri first – not the profits of wealthy corporations.